Life zones of Peru

When the Spanish arrived, they divided Peru (very simplistic) in three main regions: the Coastal region (11.6% of Peru), that is bounded by the Pacific Ocean; the Highlands (28.1% of Peru), that is located on the Andean Heights, and the Jungle, that is located on the Amazonian Jungle (Climate of Peru). But Javier Pulgar Vidal, a geographer who studied the biogeographic reality of the Peruvian territory for a long time, proposed the creation of eight Natural Regions. [1] [2] In 1941, he presented his thesis “Las Ocho Regiones Naturales del Perú” at the III General Assembly of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History.

These eight Peruvian regions are:


Example: Andes 10°S

See also Altitudinal zonation

Classic Version, Amazonic side

Crops: Cacao, Banana, Sugarcane, Manioc, Sweet Potatoes, Yams.

(the warmest month has an average temperature of below 22°C or 72°F).

Crops: Coffee, Tobacco, Maize, Coca, Peruvian Pepper (Schinus molle), Avocado, Guave (Psidium guajava), Cherimoya, Plum, Citrus fruits.

(the warmest month has an average temperature of below 18°C or 64°F).

Crops: Potato, Maize, Squash, Passionfruit, Papaya, Peach, Wheat, Rye, and Barley. Farming of cattle.

(the definition of Treeline of Coniferae: the warmest month has an average temperature of below 10°C or 50°F ).

Crops above Tree line: Quinoa, Cañigua, Mashua, Oca, Tarhui, Broad beans and Ulluco. Farming of Sheep, Lamas and Alpacas.

Terrestrial Biome Type 10: Montane grasslands and shrublands

(just warmer than -1°C over rocks or just warmer than -3°C over snow, annual mean temperature). [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Javier Pulgar Vidal's Version

The Peruvian geographer Javier Pulgar Vidal divided Peru in 8 regions (traditionally, it was costa, sierra and selva):

Map from República del Perú - Instituto Geográfico Nacional


Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests

-. Bolivian Yungas [10]

-. Peruvian Yungas [11]

-. Southwest Amazon moist forests [12]

Montane grasslands and shrublands

-. Central Andean dry puna [13]

-. Central Andean puna [14]

-. Central Andean wet puna [15]

Deserts and xeric shrublands

-. Atacama desert [16]

-. Sechura desert [17]

Overview - Amazonic side

Estimated Temperatures - Continental Divide


Altitude West - Pacific side East - Amazonian side
Highland Rainforest or Selva alta 400 m  - 26.5 °C
Loma-Vegetation 500 m about 21.1 °C  -
Cloud forest or Fluvial Yunga 1,000 m  - 23.5 °C
Quechua - Montane Valleys 2,300 m  - 17.2 °C
Amazonian Tree line of Coniferae: 10 °C about 3,500 m  - about 10 °C
Mountain pass influence 4,100 m about 3.4 °C (about 7.1 °C)
Vegetation end about 4,800 m about 0.0 °C  -
Snow line about 5,000 m about -1.0 °C  -

Example: Kallawaya Region, Bolivia

Altitudinal Zonation: Kallawaya Region, around Charazani, Bolivia (border to Peru).


See also


  1. ^ Pulgar Vidal, Javier: Geografía del Perú; Las Ocho Regiones Naturales del Perú. Edit. Universo S.A., Lima 1979. First Edition (his dissertation of 1940): Las ocho regiones naturales del Perú, Boletín del Museo de historia natural „Javier Prado“, n° especial, Lima, 1941, 17, pp. 145-161.
  2. ^ Benavides Estrada, Juan (1999); Geografía del Perú 2do año de Secuandaria. Lima: Escuela Nueva.
  3. ^ Brigitta Schütt (2005); Azonale Böden und Hochgebirgsböden [1]
  4. ^ Zech, W. and Hintermaier-Erhard, G. (2002); Böden der Welt – Ein Bildatlas, Heidelberg, p. 98.
  5. ^ Christopher Salter, Joseph Hobbs, Jesse Wheeler and J. Trenton Kostbade (2005); Essentials of World Regional Geography 2nd Edition. NY: Harcourt Brace. p.464-465.
  6. ^ Middle America: Altitudinal Zonation [2]
  7. ^ Maps of the Cordillera Blanca - Peru
  8. ^ Pulgar Vidal, Javier: Geografía del Perú; Las Ocho Regiones Naturales del Perú. Edit. Universo S.A., Lima 1979. First Edition (his dissertation of 1940): Las ocho regiones naturales del Perú, Boletín del Museo de historia natural „Javier Prado“, n° especial, Lima, 1941, 17, pp. 145-161.
  9. ^ WWF Global 200: World Map of 14 Terrestrial Biomes and 867 Ecoregions
  10. ^ NT0105 Bolivian Yungas, WWF [3]
  11. ^ NT0153 Peruvian Yungas, WWF [4]
  12. ^ NT0166 Southwest Amazon moist forests, WWF [5]
  13. ^ NT1001 Central Andean dry puna, WWF [6]
  14. ^ NT1002 Central Andean puna, WWF [7]
  15. ^ NT1003 Central Andean wet puna, WWF [8]
  16. ^ NT1303 Atacama desert, WWF [9]
  17. ^ NT1315 Sechura desert, WWF [10]
  18. ^ Gurupa varzea (NT0126) [11]
  19. ^ Monte Alegre varzea (NT0141) [12]
  20. ^ Purus varzea (NT0156) [13]
  21. ^ Southwest Amazon moist forests (NT0166) [14]
  22. ^ Iquitos varzea (NT0128) [15]
  23. ^ Peruvian Yungas (NT0153) [16]
  24. ^ Central Andean wet puna (NT1003) [17]
  25. ^ Central Andean puna (NT1002) [18]
  26. ^
  27. ^ Seibert, Paul; Farbatlas Südamerika, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, 1996.